Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lugano, Switzerland

Lugano is a 15-minute train ride from Capo Lago (Riva's train stop) which is another 15 minute walk from our town. Lugano has a lot of restaurants, shops, gellato stands, water activities, and a fairly good (yet expensive) nightlife. Of course there are beautiful churches and markets, and it's nice to get out of a ridiculously small town at times, especially for a little people-watching.

School Schedule

Studio: M,T,W - 9:30-12:00; F- 2:00-6:00; discussions, pin-ups, work-time
Italian: M,W - 3:30-4:45; I pretend I know how to speak Italian by saying every word in Spanish but adding a different accent (and then the professore telling me I'm wrong)
Seminar: T - 8:00-11:00 pm; talk about philosophy, presentations on cool stuff, conversations about the books we're individually reading, talking in general
Sketch-i-ness: W - 8:00 pm-whenever when we check out our sketches, talk about what we've seen, and talk about how horrible i am at sketching

Thursdays/Weekends are free days...we take day trips to Lugano, Bern, Zurich, Vigevano, Bellinzona, Locarno, etc to see museums or art exhibits or something cool and/or our personal travel

Of course, all of our waking life is split between studio work/reading/being ridiculous, so we try to balance as much as possible.

Meals are cooked by 2 chefs daily and are freshly delicious. Breakfast is self-serve from 7-9:15 with yogurt, fruit, cereal, bread, and nuttella . Lunch is 12:15-1 and 1-1:45 which is salad + a pasta almost always. Dinner is 6:15-7 and 7-7:45 which is a soup and a meat/potato or meat/rice etc. And then dessert. The food is outstanding. We've had different kinds of fish, chicken, turkey, beef, veal, etc. I'm going to be 400 lbs...except the only snacks we have are fruits and yogurt, so it can't be thattt bad.

Our boys and girls showers are next to each other and bathrooms are shared (a little bit weird).