Monday, October 6, 2008

Munich, Germany

A bunch of us went on a long-weekend 3-night trip to Munich (no, it wasn't Oktoberfest- though I wish).  During the 3 nights we went to an outdoor beergarten in the English Gardens, Hofbrauhaus where we sat with large beer steins and amazing apple strudel, and a crazy techno discotech. I will not go into those details, but the Munchens really know how to have fun.  During the day we visited historical sites like the building where Hitler recited his first haiku and the glockenspiel.  We also saw some contemporary pieces like a Herzog and deMeuron project that is now a major shopping area (mostly internal work), and a church whose doors (30'tall and the width of the building) hydraulically open at the conclusion of the service.

We also went to the BMW dealership/headquarters which is right next to the Olympic Park which was having a BMW rally that weekend.  Both projects are very progressive (olympic park more-so because it was conceived in the 70's).  

We went inside the Olympic swimming arena (which is now used for recreational swimming) and were a little awe-struck thinking that this was the pool that Mark Spitz set olympic records.  We pretended each of us had to be athletes from an olympic sport...mine was women's gymnastics...obviously.

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